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68 bài trong 7 trang (10 bài/trang) và bạn đang ở trang 4.

This sign means? A route established for fire trucks. Emergency management sign, a designated hurricane evacuation route. A route established for police. Medical emergency vehicles only..... This sign means? Divided highway begins. 2 lanes added ahead. Lane reserved for vehicles with 2 or more people only. 4-way intersection ahead...... This sign means? Traffic light ahead, look both ways before proceeding. Intersection ahead, look both ways before proceeding. Stop sign ahead, look both ways before proceeding......


This warning sign means? Right curve ahead, truck rollover warning. No trucks allowed. Left curve ahead, truck rollover warning. No U-turns allowed..... This warning sign requires you to? Safely merge to the left. Safely merge to the right. Make a U-turn. Stop because your lane ends...... This warning sign means? Merging traffic from the right. Merging traffic from the left. Just ahead, the road curves left, then right.....


You are on a 3 lane highway, this sign means? Left lane must go straight, center lane must go straight, right lane must turn right. Left lane must turn left, center lane must go straight, right lane must turn left. Left lane must turn left, center lane must turn right, right lane must turn right. Left lane must turn left, center lane must go straight, right lane must turn right...... This sign means? No motor vehicles allowed. No bicycles allowed. Bike route ahead. No trucks allowed.....


This sign means? Pedestrian crossing ahead. No playing in the street. No motor vehicles. No pedestrian crossing..... What type of sign is this? State route sign. U.S. route sign. Interstate bicycle route sign. Interstate route sign...... This sign means? This lane requires a right turn only. Merging traffic from the left.....


This warning sign means? National Park ahead. Snowmobile ahead or crossing. Snow removal crew ahead. Road closed due to snow.... What type of sign is this? Interstate route sign. State route sign. U.S. route sign. National forest route sign...... This warning sign means? Right curve ahead, side road connecting from the left. Merging traffic from the right. Right curve ahead, side road connecting from the right. 3-way intersection ahead.....


This warning sign means? No right turn on red. Yield sign ahead. Traffic signal lights ahead. Stop sign ahead..... This sign means? Crossbuck sign, railroad crossing. X intersection ahead. Train station. Road closed ahead..... This general service sign means? Disaster assistance sign. Emergency medical services sign......


You are in the left lane. This sign means? You must go straight. You can go left, right, or straight. You must turn right. You must turn left..... This warning sign means? Winding road ahead. Merging traffic ahead. Left turn ahead. Left curve ahead..... This sign means? Merging traffic from the right. No U-turn or right turn. No U-turn or left turn.....


This warning sign means? The road ahead, curves sharply right. The road ahead, curves sharply left, then right. The road ahead, curves sharply right, then left. Winding road ahead..... This warning sign means? Reduced speed limit sign ahead. Stop sign ahead. School zone ahead. Yield sign ahead...... This sign means? Gas station ahead. Oil refinery ahead. Oil spill, slippery conditions ahead. New road surface treatment ahead.....


This sign means? General information sign for an airport. General information sign for an aircraft manufacturing plant. No fly zone ahead. Low flying aircraft warning...... This warning sign means? Ahead is a narrow bridge warning. Ahead is a sharp rise in the profile of the road. Ahead is a sharp depression in the profile of the road. Pavement ends ahead...... This sign means? Ski resort ahead. School zone ahead. School crossing ahead.....


What type of sign is this? County route sign. U. S. route sign. State route sign. Interstate route sign..... This sign means? No right turn. No left turn. No u-turn. No turn on red..... What type of sign is this? State route sign. U. S. route sign. Interstate route sign. County route sign......

      Đến trang:   Left    1    2    3    5    6    7    Right  
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