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62 bài trong 7 trang (10 bài/trang) và bạn đang ở trang 3.

Which of the following is not a basic component of a database system? a. User b. Database c. ERD d. DBMS..... Which utility can be used to transfer data from an Access database to SQL Server? a. BCP.EXE b. BULK INSERT with a format file c. DTS d. BULK INSERT..... Which of the following is the correct technique for representing a MSS:N relationship in the relational model? a. An intersection relation is created and the key of either entity is placed as a key in both the intersection relation and in the other relation......


Which of the following are valid SQL commands in a trigger? a. None of these answers b. EXCE c. All of these answers d. UPDATE..... Which one of the following Transact-SQL grants an existing login account access to the Accounting database? a. All of thse answers b. Sp_grantbacess ’Contoso\User’ c. Sp_grantbacess ’User’ d. Sp_addsvrolemenmber ’User’ . ’sysadmin’........


Which of the following is not a type of trigger that can be invoked before DBMS insert, update, or delete actions? a. PREVIOUS triggers b. INSTEAD OF triggers c. BEFORE triggers d. AFTER triggers..... Which of the following is not a basic component of a database system? a. ERD b. Database c. DBMS d. User.....


Which SQL keyword is used to specify a condition that rows must meet to be included in the results of an SQL SELECT query? a. ORDER BY b. WHERE c. SELECT d. FROM.... Which of the following is a characteristic of an enterprise data model? a. It reduces storage b. It duplicates data c. It stresses the integration of data d. It creates physical relationships.....


Which of the following is a characteristic of an enterprise data model? a. It reduces storage b. It stresses the integration of data c. It duplicates data d. It createes physical relationships.... Which of the following integrity constraints automatically create an index when defined? a. Primary keys b. Foreign keys c. NOT NULL constraints d. Check Clause.....


Which of the following is software that is used to create, maintain, and provide controlled access to database? * a. Database management system b. Attribute c. User view d. Network operating system.... Which of the following is true about a key? a. It may be unique b. It may be non-unique c. All of the above d. In may identify more than one row......


When a properly constructed database is constructed by breaking a list into an appropriate group of pieces, of the problems associated with lists are solved. a. all except the data addition problem b. all except the data inconsistency problem c. all except the data deletion problem d. many...... Which of the following terms is synonymous with "tuple"? a. Row b. Field c. Table d. Attribute.....


User are complaining about the lag time when they run a particular query against Sales database. After analyzing the query, you find that the data being requested is the sales figures for each client. What type of object could you create to decrease the query execution time? a. view b. identifier c. index d. alert...... Using the product operator, if table A has 4 rows and table B has 4 rows, the number of rows in the product # these two tables is: a. 4 b. 20 c. 16 d. 8......


The order of the columns returned by an SQL SELECT statement are determined by the: a. ORDER BY clause b. order they are listed following WHERE c. order they are listed following SELECT d. SORT BY clause.... The first applications of database technology were ____. a. workgroup databases b. Internet databases c.personal databases d. organizational database....


The ____ set operator will show all rows common to both tables A and B a. intersection b. union c. difference d. product... The terms datastore and database are interchangeable * a. None of these answers b. False: with RDBMS datastores, we have the notion of tables/colums in the datastore c. True: because datastore is database......

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