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62 bài trong 7 trang (10 bài/trang) và bạn đang ở trang 4.

Select the incorrect option: a. In a database processing system, all data is stored in a single repository called a database rather than in separate files. b. In a database processing system, bussiness users interact directly with the DBMS, which directly accesses the database data c. In a database processing system, bussiness users can not interact directly with the DBMS, which directly accesses the database data d. One advantage to using a database processing system is that the data of various users can be combined and among authorized users..... Select the right option: a. Database can not combined with Internet technologies to receive data on the Web b. Database can be combined with Internet technologies to receive data on the Web c. Database can not combined with Internet technologies to publish database data on the Web......


Referential Integrity requires that a. Every foreign key value has a matching primary key value in another table or tables, or is null b. No related tables can be deleted c. Every primary key value will have a matching foreign key value in another table or tables d. No attributes have a null value... Relational DBMS products are designde to store and manipulate tables. Most products also store the metadata in the form of tables (and are therefor "seft describing"), in MS Access called: a. Application metadata b. System tables c. Design tools d. Application programs....


In general, database objects should be owned by the ____. a. DataBase Admistrator(DBA) b. Database Management System(DBMS) c. System Administrator(sa) d. Database Owner(dbo)..... It is the job of a program called a database management system to: a. store and retrieve data in the database tables b. delete and append data in the database tables c. process forms d. None of these answers..... MedicineCode ->(MedicineName, ShelfLine, Manufacturer, Dosage) Given the above functional dependency, which of the followintg statement is not known to be true? a. MedicineCode is a determinant b. Manufacturer is functionally dependent on MedicineCode....


In a database processing system, the databse application creates: * a. menu b. forms c. queries d. reports...... In a client/server architecture the user interface is typically managed by: a. The network operating system b. The client c. The local area network d. The server.... In a database processing system, a database application: a. can not accesses the database data b. None of these answers....


Given the New Whatcom Library Checkout List shown above, there is no way to know if the borrowers owe fines for past due books. This is an example of a ____. a. missing data problem b. data inconsistency problem c. data deletion problem d. data addition problem.... Identity the advantages of a Network Database Model a. All of them b. The model enforces data integrity c. The model achieves sufficient data independence d. The relationships are easier to implement..... Identity the advantages of a Network Database Model a. The relationships are easier to implement.....


Each Microsoft SQL Server 2000 database is compsed of two types of files. These files are a. Data file and Transaction log file b. Primary data file and Secondary data file c. Data File and File Group d. None of these answers..... For which task in SQL would you use an IN clause a. To query the database for a character pattern b. To query the database for a range of value c. To query the database for unknown values d. To query the database for values in a specified list......


Data base technology offers a. The ability to install high levels of access control security b. The capability to model real-life situations of entity performance. High performance c. Continuous high integrity control over data content and values d. All of these..... Data that describe the properties od other data are: a. logical b. None of the above c. physical d. relationships..... Câu 53:a. Multi user access (in advanced DBMS’s) b. Inproved programmer and user productivity c. High integrity control over data.......


Conditions after the WHERE require single quotes around the values for columns that have which data type? a. Char b. VarChar c. Integer d. Both A and B...... Creating the structure of a database is a process known as: a. database design b. database structure c. database query d. database process.... Data processed in a way that increases a user’s knowledge is: a. information b. text c. graphics.....


A relational database connects tables with a. Hashed connections b. Indexex c. Keys and Foreign Keys d. Pointers..... A Custom setup type is required to enable Microsoft SQL Server 2000 to use which one of the following options? a. Code samples b. Full-text search c. SQL Authentication Mode d. Local system account.....


A table that meets requirements of a relation is said to be in which normal form? a. First normal form b. Boyce-Codd normal form c. Second normal form d. Third normal form....... A telephone number would be stored in a ____ field in a database a. date b. computed c. memo d. text.........

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