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Ký hiệu đặc biệt [Toán]
15 bài trong 2 trang (10 bài/trang) và bạn đang ở trang 2.

Which part of the nail grows the fastest? a. Nail matrix b. The free edge c. Nail root d. Nail bed..... The blood supplied to the nails comes from? a. The free edge b. The nail bed and matrix c. The skin around the nail d. Nail root.... The protein of the nails is the same as? a. Liver b. Eyes and Mouth....


When applying primer, if the primer contacts the client's skin, what will happen to them? a. The skin will get irritated b. The primer will glue to the skin c. The skin will change color d. Nothing will happen..... Why do you need 2 sets of implements when doing manicure? a. For fun b. On a busy day, one can be sanitized while you use the other one c. So, we can use both of them at the same time d. We don't need them.....


When doing a manicure, what hand should we start with? a. The right hand b. The favored hand, because it requires less work c. The unflavored hand, because the favored hand needs to be soaked longer d. The left hand.... Why shouldn't you file the client's nails after they've been soaked in water? a. They can get inflamed b. You can cause the to get fungus c. They can easily break (They are fragile) d. They can acquire an infection....... If bleeding occurs during, manicure what should you do? a. Use Powdered Alum b. Use a Disinfectant....


A 1/8 of a fabric that can be used to strengthen a weak point on the nail is called? a. A Stress Strip b. A Silk wrap c. A Full Set d. A Manicure.... Can we apply acrylic on wet nails? a. Yes, if we apply the primmer twice b. No, it s a perfect breeder environment for mold and fungus c. Yes, if we use special glue d. Yes, if we apply primer and antiseptic..... How are paper wraps different? a. Different glue is used to apply them b. You don't use glue to apply them.....


The disease AIDS is caused by a a. bacteria? b. virus? c. antiseptic? d. food?...... What is the hazard of using nail bleach? a. It will cause bleeding b. It will irritate the client's cuticle if it touches it c. It can catch fire d. It may not work..... What does it mean if an acrylic liquid is odor-less? a. It smell very strongly b. It has no odor......

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