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137 bài trong 14 trang (10 bài/trang) và bạn đang ở trang 11.

The skin is lubricated by an oily substance known as: a. Sweat b. Sebum c. Hormone d. Enzyme..... The process used for making an object germ-free is known as: a. Germicide b. Sterilization c. Antiseptic d. Suppuration..... The sebaceous glands secrete: a. Melanin b. Saliva c. Sebum.....


The circulatory system or vascular system of the body is divided into two parts, they are: a. White corpuscles or leucocytes b. Blood platelets and plasma c. Blood and lymphatic vascular d. Red corpuscles or erythrocytes..... The skin is lubricated by glands called: a. Sebaceous b. Epidermis c. Lymphatic d. Sudoriferous (sweat glands)..... The sweat glands help to eliminate one of the followings from the body: a. Oxygen b. Waste products......


After each manicure emery boards are: a. Placed in a tightly closed cabinet b. Immersed in disinfectant solution c. Wiped off with 70% alcohol d. Discarded immediately...... If the patron has a skin disease, the manicurist should: a. Treat it with medicine b. Refer that patron to a physician c. Overlook it d. Suggest self treatment......


No light gel. What do you use to harden the gel after applying on client's nails? a. Acetone b. Water c. Quick dry nail polish d. Top coat...... Polish will last longer if the manicurist: a. Does not take off hairline tip after each coat of polish b. Takes off the hairline tip after each coat of polish c. Takes off the hairline tip after applying the top coat d. d.Takes off the hairline tip of the base coat...... A healthy nail is smooth and has no: a. Spots or wavy ridges b. Flexibility......


The dermis is also known as the corium, cutis, derma or: a. Cuticle b. False skin c. True skin d. Fatty tissue.... The radius is the small bone on the thumb side of the: a. Upper arm b. Forearm c. Wrist d. Hand..... The longest and largest bone of the upper arm is the: a. Ulna b. Radius.....


When your license expires, it must be renewed within: a. 30 days b. 1 year c. 5 years d. 10 years..... Every beauty salon establishments should have a: a. Wet sanitizer b. Dry sanitizer c. Cabinet sterilizer d. All of the above..... A manicurist should never use styptic pencil because it is: a. Expensive b. Solid c. Not sanitary......


According to the rules of the Barbering and Cosmetology Program, before a manicure, you must first a. Disinfect the entire set of instruments & clean manicuring table with Quats solution b. Return instruments to storage c. Keep the instruments in the wet sanitizer d. Changes the wet sanitizer solution..... The main purpose of the nail wraps is to: a. Extend nail length b. Smooth nail surface c. Reduce rough free edge d. Strengthen the nail......


Nails are composed of chemical substance called: a. Keratin b. Corium c. Carbon d. Protein...... Cuticle removers usually contain: a. Potassium hydroxide b. Lanolin c. Silicone d. Zinc oxide..... If a patron has a condition known as onychophagy (result of an acquired nervous habit to chew the nail or the hardened cuticle), you should: a. Send her to a physician b. File nail very short.....


Articles such as metal files, nippers or steel pushers that drop on the floor may be used again, if they are: a. Used on the same patron b. Wiped of with 70% alcohol c. Rinsed with hot water d. Sanitized with a germicide..... The destruction of bacteria may accomplish by: a. Chemical agents b. Division of cells c. Animal parasites d. Protozoa......


Bacteria reproduce best in: a. Direct sunlight b. Closed cabinet c. Freezing temperature d. Warm, dark, damp and dirty places..... Amotile bacteria are: a. Capable of moving b. Harmless c. Incapable of moving d. Capable of producing specific disease..... The hair-like organs that enable bacteria to move are called: a. Anthrax b. Flagella.....

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