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137 bài trong 14 trang (10 bài/trang) và bạn đang ở trang 14.

The ending process of acrylic nails, it is called? a. Polymerization b. Catalyzing c. Reaction d. All of the above..... What is the chemical structure of acrylic powder? a. It is a combination of polymer and monomer b. It is a combination of monomer and catalyst c. It is a combination of group up polymer and catalyst d. It is a combination of powder and liquid.......


How do you remove acrylic nail if client do not want to wear them any more: a. Polish remove b. Alcohol 99% c. Quats solution d. Acetone..... Which of the following conditions you can not give service: a. Canities b. Scar c. Lesion d. Furrow..... Who is not responsible for sanitizing manicuring implements? a. Consumer b. Owner......


What is catalyst? a. It is an ingredient that speed up the hardening process b. It is an ingredient that slows the hardening process c. It is an ingredient that makes the hardening of the polymer d. None of the above..... While cutting excess cuticle around the nail, you accidentally cut the client’s skin so that it bleed. What should you use to stop this bleeding? a. Powder alum b. Alcohol c. Acetone d. Non-acetone.......


What do you use to wipe (to clean) the manicure table? a. Disinfectant b. Soap c. Alcohol d. Water..... What do you need to do before doing an artificial nail? a. Discuss with the customer b. Make record card c. Set up table d. All of the above...... What happen when the acrylic nail is immersed too long in water? a. There will be fungus growth b. There will be infection......


How long do you immerse your client’s feet in antiseptic when doing pedicure? a. 10 minutes b. 5 minutes c. 15 minutes d. 2 minutes..... Why does acrylic nail lift easily? a. Apply primer after applying powder b. Manicurist applies acrylic on cuticle c. Client changes polish at home d. Client’s hands are wet..... Why do you have to discard the emery board after used? a. Bad b. Cannot be sanitized.....


The active agent in nail bleach is usually: a. Water b. Soap c. Hydrogen peroxide d. Detergent..... Watery blisters and thick white skin between the toes are signs of: a. Pterygium b. Onychia c. Pedicuring d. Athlete’s foot..... For a more natural effect, the shape of the nail should conform to the: a. Hand b. Cuticle.....


Why do you have to fill acrylic nails? a. Because the nail turns green b. Because the nail is split c. Because they lift d. None of the above..... How do you hold the nail tip for application? a. Downward b. Forward c. Upward d. Backward..... What’s the last step for man manicure? a. Apply nail polish b. Apply nail bleach.....

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