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137 bài trong 14 trang (10 bài/trang) và bạn đang ở trang 3.

As a professional nail technician, all services you perform will have three parts: a. Pre-service, manicure, post-service b. Consultation, procedure, retail sale c. Pre-service, pedicure, retail sale d. Pre-service, procedure, post-service...... The best nail shape choice for businesswomen in often: a. Square b. Round c. Oval d. Pointer..... The most common nail shape for male clients is: a. Square b. Round c. Oval.....


Vigorous massage of joints can be painful for clients with: a. Hangnails b. Osteoporosis c. Arthritis d. Lung condition..... The massage service should not be performed on a client with any of the following conditions EXCEPT: a. High blood pressure b. Cough c. Stroke d. Heart condition..... Massage service stimulates: a. Nail growth b. Blood flow/circulation c. Skin growth d. Heartbeat.....


Client health/record cards should be kept in a location that is: a. Convenient b. Locked c. Fireproof d. Secret..... You can express your appreciation to clients by: a. Sending birthday cards b. Sending newsletters c. Hosting a thank-you party d. a, b & c..... Because customer loyalty is crucial to your success, you must show clients you appreciate their: a. Promptness b. Repeat business c. Tips d. Courtesy.....


Caring about the health, safety and quality of service your clients receive makes you a: a. Slow worker b. Professional c. Good insurance risk d. Supervisor..... The client health/record and the client service record should be used as: a. Consultation tools b. Retail boosters c. Public information d. Computer data base..... When a client’s regular technicians is not available, the client can best be serviced by referring to the: a. Client’s hairstylist b. Salon next door.....


A lump on the skin with an inflamed base a head containing pus is called a: a. Tubercle b. Crust c. Fissure d. Scar..... A semi-solid or fluid lump above and below the skin surface is called a: a. Papule b. Macule c. Cyst d. Nodule...... A structural change in tissue caused by injury and disease is called: a. Lesion b. Pustule c. Fissure.....


A fatal skin cancer which begins with the growth of a mole is called: a. Vitiligo b. Chloasma c. Melanin d. Melanotic sarcoma..... A round, thickened patch of epidermis due to pressure or friction in which the thickening grows inward is called a: a. Sarcoma b. Corn c. Hive d. Mole..... The common name for keratoma is: a. Carotene b. Freckles c. Callus.....


Inflamed skin is: a. Infected b. Black and blue c. Red and sore d. Yellow..... It is safe to work on a nail with this condition: a. Inflammation b. Small furrows c. Infection d. Swelling...... A nail condition caused by injury or disease is called a nail: a. Imperfection b. Disfigurement c. Disorder d. Fungus......


Onychia and paronychia are often caused by: a. Fever b. Infection c. Unsanitary implements d. Bruising..... Paronychia around the entire nail is sometimes called: a. Total infection b. Paronychia totalis c. Runaround d. Onychoptosis...... A condition which can occur on the nails of the hands or feet is: a. Paronychia b. Onycholysis c. Onychia.....


Proper ventilation requires that fumes and vapors be vented to: a. Reception area b. Bathroom c. Outside d. Haircolor area...... You can eliminate vapors by all methods EXCEPT: a. Tightly sealing product container b. Avoiding use of pressurized sprays c. Running fans d. Emptying waste containers..... The area the size of a beach ball that is directly in front of your mouth is: a. Your allergy zone b. Your breathing zone......


To help prevent chemical ingestion, never eat anything in the salon without first: a. Washing hands b. Asking permission c. Having an antacid d. Taking a sample..... Food and chemical in the salon should be stored in: a. The refrigerator b. Paper bags c. Separate areas d. The office..... To avoid ingesting chemicals at your station, you and your clients should not: a. Smoke b. Breathe......

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