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Ký hiệu đặc biệt [Toán]
137 bài trong 14 trang (10 bài/trang) và bạn đang ở trang 6.

A communicable disease is: a. Not transferred to another b. Not responsible for an epidermic c. Transmitted to another d. Caused by non-pathogenic bacteria..... The inactive phase in the life cycle of bacteria is known as the: a. Pathogenic stage b. Spore-forming stage c. Disease-producing stage d. Non- pathogenic stage...... Some forms of bacteria have the ability to move with the aid of: a. Flagella b. Spores.....


Before sanitizing any implements, it should wash with: a. Formaldehyde b. Warm water c. Cold water d. Soap and warm water..... Sharp metalic instruments may sanitized with: a. 50% alcohol b. 65% alcohol c. 70% alcohol d. 100% alcohol.... Most beauty salons use which of the following sanitizing agent: a. Dry heat b. Baking in oven.....


Stain and discoloration may be removed from the skin and nails with: a. Boric acid b. Hydrogen peroxide c. White iodine d. Dichloride of mercury..... Which of the following has the same germ killing properties as a germicide? a. Disinfectant b. Antiseptic c. Deodorant d. Anesthetic..... To remove stain from nails, use: a. Nail polish remover b. Aceton.....


The skin under the nail's free edge is hyponychium and the skin that surrounds the entire nail area is: a. Eponychium b. Perionychium c. Mantle d. Eggshell nail..... Before and after each use, the shampoo bowl (shink) should be: a. Sanitized b. Sterilized c. Fumigated d. Vaporized.... Objects that have been sanitized are kept clean by ultra violet rays or by: a. Alcohol b. Boric acid.....


A cosmetic applied over the nail polish to minimize chipping or cracking is a/an: a. Lacquer b. Sealer c. Lacquer d. Abrasive..... The correct way to apply nail polish from base to free edge is to: a. Use thick polish b. Use short, jerky strokes c. Apply three coats d. Apply quickly and lightly..... The instrument used for trimming the cuticle is a: a. Buffer b. Pusher.....


Nail whitener are available in forms of cream, coating string, and paste, is applied: a. Over the lunula b. On top of the free edge c. Under the free edge d. On the sides of the nail..... One of the following is located beneath the free edge: a. Eponychium b. Hyponychium c. Groove d. Nail bed.... Another name for athleteos foot is: a. Varicose b. Pityriasis.....


Origin, insertion, and belly are the parts of: a. Heart b. Connective tissues c. Skeleton d. Muscle...... Kneading massage is also called: a. Percusion b. Vibration movement c. Deep rubbing d. Petrissage movement..... Nail salon need to install good ventilation system. This is a very important for manicurist and customers because chemicaland product in salon: a. Cause irritation b. Can cause viral infections.....


It is dangerous to judge if a chemical is safe by itos: a. Label b. Odor c. Ingredient d. M.S.D.S..... Prevent chemical accident by never using a product if the container is not: a. Sealed b. Sanitized c. Full d. Labeled..... A common condition in which the cuticle around the nail split is known as: a. Hangnails b. Skin overgrowth.....


The client who want length without weight Should receive: a. Paper wraps b. Gel nails c. Linen wraps d. Silk wraps.... Most pedicure service are performed by starting with: a. Right foot, little toe b. Right foot, middle toe c. Left foot, little toe d. Left foot, big toe.... To make them feel welcome, new clients should be: a. Greeted b. Give salon tour....


A primer is applied to the natural nail when do acrylic nails in order to: a. Dry properly b. Polish easily c. Prevent fungus d. Dry slowly...... Natural nails can be lengthened by adding: a. Artificialtips b. Silk wraps c. Paper wraps d. N1lil art..... If a chemical agent gets on your clothing, immediately: a. Dab with Water b. Blot with towel.....

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