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Chemical storage should be in cool area and away from: a. Appliance/Furnace with pilot light b. Hair colors c. Perm solutions d. Garbage cans..... When applying acrylic over nail tips, you do not need to use a/an: a. Acrylic powder b. Sable brush c. Acrylic liquid d. Nail form.... A liquid that kills or retards bacterial growth is a/an: a. Soap b. Solution.....


Ultraviolet radiation is harmful to: a. Bones b. Nail polish c. Eyes d. Acrylic tips..... A weekly recondltloning hot oil manicure will benefit clients with: a. Dry cuticle, agnail b. Gel nails c. Paper wraps d. Arthritis..... The proper way to mix polish is to: a. Mix with top coat b. Shake vigorously c. Tap bottle on table.....


The manicure table should have a bulb of this wattage in the lamp: a. 60 watts b. 100 watts c. 150 watts.... A client consultation is the conversation you have with the client before: a. Starting the service b. They make appointment c. They pay d. They buy retail products..... This medical specialty focuses on skin problems: a. Cardiology b. Dermatology.....


The French manicure look can be created through the: a. One- color acrylic method b. Proper diet c. Proper buffing techniques d. Two-color acrylic method..... If the nail tip covers the nail plate from sidewall to sidewall, it is: a. Too wide b. Properly sized. c. Too long d. Too narrow..... An emerty board is an example of an item that is: a. Wct sanitized b. Heat sanitized c. Disposable d. Reused......


In order to have a good working relationship with coworkers, you should: a. Respect their opinions b. Familiar attitude c. Ask their opinions d. Point out mistakes..... Insomnia, watery eyes and sluggishness are symptoms of chemical: a. Overexposure b. Inhalation c. Burn d. Poisoning..... A repair patch is a piece of fabric (silk, fiber glass, linen) cut to: a. Nailds shape b. Look like a daisy-a......


The technical name for callus is: a. Freckle b. Stratum lucidum c. Keratoma d. Mole...... After removing an artificial nail, any remaining glue residue is removed by using alan: a. Emery board b. Oily remover c. Steel pusher d. Fine buffer block...... When conditions are unfavorable for reproduction, bacteria will go dormant after forming a tough covering called a: a. Shell b. Spore......


Foot files are, used to remove: a. Warts b. Hangnails c. Fungus d. Callus growths...... Client service records are usually kept on: a. Pink paper b. Blue paper c. Triplicate forms d. Index cards.... To prevent contamination of the disinfectant solution, disinfection containers should be kept: a. Warm b. In cupboards.....


Clients with fungus or bacterial infection should be treated by a: a. Manicurist b. Optometrist c. Cosmetologist d. Physician..... Early stage bacterial infection can be identified as a spot which is colored: a. Black b. Blue c. Yellow-Green d. Purple..... Nail Fungus usually appears as a discoloration on the nail that spread toward the: a. Cuticle b. Tip.....


Storage place for clean implements may not be: a. Plastic closed container b. Your kit c. Closed cabinet d. Dry sterilizer...... A permissible styptic is: a. Styptic pencil b. Lump alum c. Boric acid crystals d. Alum powder..... Objects dropped on the floor should be picked up and: a. Washed and disinfected before reusing b. Wiped with a towel.....


Another name for a kneading massage movement is: a. Effleurage b. Friction c. Tapotement d. Petrissage...... On a nail tip, the point where the tip meets the nail plate before it is glued to the nail is called the: a. Buffer block b. Position stop c. Half well d. Full well...... Parker is receiving a pedicure. His toenails should be shaped: a. Straight cross and slight at corners b. Into a curved shape......

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