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Pterygii1m may be helped by hot oil manicure and use the cuticle nippers carefully to remove the growth because: a. Cause by nail biting b. Softening of the nail c. An obstinate growth of cuticle at the base d. An ingrown nail..... Which one of the following would not be a proper method of using a metal pusher: a. Pointed end used to loosen cuticle b. Blade end follows the curve of the cuticle c. Pusher is used from corner to base of nail d. Pusher is used with gentle pressure.....


The man's manicure procedure is always begun by working on the: a. Right hand b. Unfavored hand c. favored hand d. Left hand.... The HIV virus, which causes AIDS, may lay dormant in an infected personas system for up to: a. 20 years b. 15 years c. 50 years d. 3 years...... Spraying nail antiseptic on nails, removes: a. Cotton bits b. Nail polish......


Performing a service on an infected nail could cause your client a great deal of: a. Healing b. Pain c. Regrowth d. Stimulating..... Albinism is the congenital absence ofthis substance from the body: a. Albumin b. Fungus c. Melanin d. Vitamin C..... Bacteria multiply at amazing speeds in only half a day, a single bacteria cell can produce this many more: a. 6,000 b. 16 million.....


Paper wraps will dissolve in aceton and: a. Water b. Dishwashing liquid c. Polish applications d. Polish remover.... Fingernails grow faster than: a. Hair b. Bones c. Toenails d. Hair..... Healthy nails result from: a. A general state of health b. Regular trimming c. Exercise.....


The joints In the ankle and wrist are known as: a. Ball joints b. CartOage c. Gliding joints d. Carpus.... Silk, linen, fiberglass, and paper arc the form a protective coating for damaged and fragile nails, called: a. Stencils b. Nail wraps c. Gem applications d. Gel applications..... Light-cured gel nails are hardened using an ultraviolet light or alan: a. Non-acetone remover b. Oily polish remover.....


Onychauxis is the technical term for a nail's: a. Overgrowth b. Infection c. Bruise d. Removal..... Striping tape is used to create lines when doing: a. Football field markings b. Nail art c. Toenail clipping d. French manicure..... The free edge of sculptured nails should be shaped with a/an: a. Emery board b. Cuticle nipper.....


Manicure friction massage involves a wringing movement on the: a. Toe b. Arm c. Finger d. Wrist..... Short nail and natural-looking is the best nail choice for a person who is a: a. Computer operator b. Telephone receptionist c. Pianist d. Stockbroker...... Consumption supplies are the supplies used to: a. Provide services b. Give as samples.......


A light-colored, slightly raised mark on the skin formed after an injury or lesion of the skin has healed is called a/an: a. Scar b. Scratch c. Abrasion d. Callus..... A written description of services and prices is called the: a. Job description b. Promotion ads c. Service list d. Contract..... Clear cells are found in the skin layer called: Stratum corneum a. Stratum corneum b. Stratum lucidum......


The fingerbowl used during a manicure contains water and: a. Alcohol b. Antibacterial soap c. Fungicide d. Fumigants..... To speed the filing of long nails, first shorten them with a: a. Nail buffer b. Metal nail file c. Fingernail clipper d. Emery board..... Liquid soap, cotton balls used in a manicure service are classified as: a. Materials b. Lotion......


This substance can be in the stratum germinativum layer of the epidermis: a. Elasticity b. Mold c. Herpes simplex d. Melanin..... An advantage of Quats solution as a sanitation agent is their: a. Stability b. Weak solution c. Odor d. Bacteria.... The half-moon shape at the base of the nail is called: a. Mantle b. Matrix.....

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