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53 bài trong 6 trang (10 bài/trang) và bạn đang ở trang 4.

Which statement is not correct? a. Menu items can display ComboBoxes, checkmarks and access # b. The ListBox control allows only sigle selection c. A TabPage can act as a container for RadioButtons d. A ComboBox control typically has a drop-down list..... Which statement is not correct? a. String method ToUpper creates a new string with all of its letters capitalized b. Method Equals and the equality operator work the same for strings c. Method Trim removes all whitespace at the beginning and the end of a string d. A string can be modified it is created.....


When declaring a variable in a class , what # the project? a. The public keyword declares a variable that is avilable to # b. The inherits keyword declares avaiable that is available to c. The protected keyword declares avaiable that is available to d. The private keyword declares avaiable that is available....... to What output does the code below generate then compiled/run? 1. class Employee{ 2. public int EmployeeId; 3. public static Employee getEmpId(int EmpId){ 4. Empoyee emp=new Employee( ); 5. emp.EmployeeId=EmpId; 6. return(emp); 7. } 8. } 9. class Test{ 10. public static void Main(){ 11. Employee[] emps=new Empoyee[2]; 12. emps[0] = Employee -getEmpId(1); 13. emps[0] = Employee -getEmpId(12); 14. foreach(Employee e in emps) 15. System.Console.WriteLine(e.EmployeeId);......


What value for a form’s Opacity property will make # a. an Opacity value of None makes a form fully opaque b. An Opacity value of 100% or 1.00 makes a form fully opacque c. An Opacity value of Opacque make a form fully opaque d. An Opacity value of 0% or 0.00 makes a form fully opacque...... When a derived class redefines a base method by using the same signature and return type, the derived class is said to ____ that base class method. a. none of the above b. overloading c. inherit d. overriding.....


What is stored in the variable strResult after the following statement executes? String strResult; strResult = "Michael" & "Ekedahl"; a. MichaelEkedahl b. syntax error c. None of the other answers d. Michael Ekedahl...... What method of the String class returns a # a. the same method b. EqualTo method c. Same method d. Equals method..... What value stored in the variable str2 after the following statements have executed? string str1= "OneTwoThreee"; string str2; str2 = str1.Substring(1, 10);....


What will be displayed in txtBox when the following fragment are executed? string a, b, c; a = "THE WHOLE"; b = "PART"; c = a.Substring(Convert.ToInt16(Math.Sqrt(4)), b.Length); txtBox.Text = c; a. HE W b. THE WHOLE c. 4 d. E WH..... What is an assembly? a. None of the above b. .NET debugger c. A collection of C# compilers d. A logical unit containing complited code....


using System; class Test{ public static void Main() { int value = Int32.Parse("99953"); double dval=Double.Parse("1.3433E+35"); Console.WriteLine(value); Console.WriteLine(dval); } }; What will be the ouput of above code when compiled/run? a. The output of above code will be: 99953 1.3433E35 b. The output of above code will be: 9953 1.3433E+35 c. The output of above code will be: 9953 1.3433..... d. The code will generate compile time error..... using System; class Test { static void Main() { int @Main; int[] Static = new int[3] @Main = 100*Static[1]; Console.WriteLine(@Main); } } a. The code cannot compile b. The code will display 0 c. The code will display 100 d. The code will return an error.....


To create a string literal exclude escap # a. !string b. #string c. @string d. $string.... To allocate memory for an object instantiation, you must use the ____ a. alloc b. instant c. new d. mem..... To change the value of a variable while debugging, ____ window is used. a. Local b. Debug c. Watch d. Immediate....


The statement: Private Button print = new Button(); a. creates and instantiates a button control b. initializes a button control c. Do nothing d. creates a button control..... he DoWork method increments a the argument: static void DoWork(int param) { param ++; } stattic void Main( ) { int arg = 42; DoWork(arg); Console.WriteLien(arg); } The result on the screen is: a. example does not compile by error b. writes 42 c. writes 43 d. write a random value.....


The acive control is said to have the # a. tab b. pointer c. focus d. selected..... The proper way to convert a string # a. string.ToLower(): b. String = string.ToLower(string): c. string.ToLower(string): d. ToLower(string):...... ____ statement, when executed in a repetition structure, causes immediate exit from repetition structure. a. break b. continue c. end d. exit.....


StreamWriter viet = null; try { SaveFileDialog sDlg = new SaveFileDialog( ); sDlg.Filter = "Text File(*.txt) | *.txt | All Files(*.*) | *.*"; if (sDlg.ShowDialog( ) = = DialogResult.OK) { viet = new StreamWriter(sDlg.FileName); viet.Write(txtNoidung.Text); } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.ToString( )) ; } finally { viet.Close( ); } What will be the fragment of above code? a. Write contain text txtNoidung to file Data.txt b. The code will generate an error c. Write contain text in txtNoidung to file chose in SaveFileDialog sDlg d. All way save text in txtNoidung to file Data.txt.......

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