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53 bài trong 6 trang (10 bài/trang) và bạn đang ở trang 6.

After double – clicking the English button, add the following code to the event handler: Private void buttonEnglish_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { This. Text = "Do you speak English?"; } For the Click event, the first parameter, object sender, holds ____. a. the left mouse button make button clicked b. the form control that contain button was clicked c. the control that was clicked d. the value on the button.... All class have ____ method. a. ToInt32() b. ToLower() c. ToString() d. ToUper().... All types in C# implicitly derive from ____. a. System.Csharp class b. System All class c. System class....


A (an) ____ can contain objects# a. ArrayList b. Enumerators c. Collection d. Array.... A method is declared as double CalcPay(int hoursWorked). Suppose you write a method containing int hours=35; and double pay; Which of the following represents the correct way to use the CalcPay method? a. hours = CalcPay(pay); b. hours = CalcPay(); c. pay = CalcPay(hoursWorked); d. pay = CalcPay(hours);..... A Collection is a method to use if a. The contents of your list will change by adding or removing member b. Your data items are not related c. The contents of your list are static.....


A ____ block enclose the code that could throw an exception. a. Exception b. Try c. Error d. Catch.... A local varicable a. Is declared with keyword [local] before b. Can be used anywhere in the program c. Must accept a class d. Is declared within a method..... A(n) ____ is a group of one or # a. property b. class c. solution d. project....

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