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Ký hiệu đặc biệt [Toán]
133 bài trong 14 trang (10 bài/trang) và bạn đang ở trang 4.

Which of the following options is not a. inherit b. small-caps c. normal d. all-caps...... Elements after the floating element will # a. align b. clear c. fixed d. position Câu 101: Paged media differ from continuous media in that # set the dimensions, which of the following will be # a. the dimensions of the page area the dimensions of the page box minus # b. none of the above c. .the dimensions of the page area the dimensions of the page box and # d. the dimensions of the page area the dimensions of the page box plus the.....


In CSS, A:link defines the style for ? active links visited links Virtuallinks normal unvisited links 12. CSS can be added to a page on how many levels ? 2 - Head and External file 4 - Tag, Head, External file and Meta tag 3 - Tag, Head and External file none 13. Which of the following is NOT an advantage of CSS defined for the entire site ? Prettier colors Flexibility to change styles for entire site.....


1. CSS can be defined for entire sites by simply writing the CSS definitions where ? Plain Text document Head section of each page Body section of each page none 2. Netscape and Internet Explorer supports CSS in which way ? Exact same, since CSS is a cross browser standard by W3C Very different on older browsers, closer to the same on newer Completely different, nothing is cross browser safe. none In CSS, you have the following options for changing text color ? Common name and Hexcolor only Common name, RBG value, Hexcolor....


Which HTML attribute is used to define inline styles? a) styles b) class c) font d) style.... How do you make each word in a text start with a capital letter? a) text-transform:capitalize b) ext-transform:uppercase c) You can't do that with CSS.... How do you change the left margin of an element? a) left-margin: b) margin: c) margin-left: d) text-indent: ....


What is the correct CSS syntax for making all the elements bold? a) p {text-size:bold} b) p {font-weight:bold} c) style:bold d) p{font:bold} How do you display hyperlinks without an underline? a) a {decoration:no underline} b) a {text-decoration:no underline} c) a {underline:none} d) a {text-decoration:none} How do you make each word in a text start with a capital letter? a) text-transform:uppercase b) text-transform:capitalize c) You can't do that with CSS....


What does CSS stand for? a) Creative Style Sheets b) Computer Style Sheets c) Cascading Style Sheets d) Cascade Style Sheets e) Colorful Style Sheets Where in an HTML document is the correct place to refer to an external style sheet? a) In the section b) At the end of the document c) At the top of the document d) In the section e) Between head and body Which HTML tag is used to define an internal style sheet? a) css b) text/style....


What is a bookmark that is inside a webpage? A. helps you jump quickly to a particular part of the web page; useful in pages that have a lot of text that can be hard to navigate B. Uniform Resource Locator; The address identifies the location of a Web page on the World Wide Web C. a menu entry or icon on a computer that is most often created by the user and that serves as a shortcut to a previously viewed location (as an Internet address)..... What is a cell? A. The individual area in a table into which to place data B. a vertical arrangement of items printed or written on a page C. mad...


Can you create an e-mail form with auto responder using form action method=mailto:youdomainname.com? a) Yes b) No What is the most widely use e-mail form script? a) ASP b) PHP c) Perl CGI d) JSP There are_____color names recognized by all version of HTML. a) 6 b) 8 c) 256 d) 16 Software programs, like your Web browser, use a mathemathical approach to define color. a) True b) False If you want to increase the font size by 2 relative to the sorounding text, you enter +2 in the tag. a) True b) False....


Relative path make your hypertext links______. a) Portable b) Discrete c) Uniform A_____structure starts with a general topic that includes link to more specific topics. a) Hierarchical b) Linear c) Mixed Which of the following path is supported by HTML? a) Ralative b) Defererenced c) Absolute and Relative You cannot designate an inline image as a hypertext link. a) True b) False.....


Which of the following is a two sided tag? a) DT b) LI c) DD d) DL 5) The Browser applies the feature of a tag until it encounters_____tag. a) Quit b) Closing c) Exit d) Anti e) Deactivate 6) _______are the HTML codes that control the apearance of the document contents a) Tags b) Codas c) Slashes d) Properties e) Code 7) What are the genral syntax for inline image? a) src=img b) src=image.....

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