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34 bài trong 4 trang (10 bài/trang) và bạn đang ở trang 4.

The xsl:element generates the elements in at time of processing. A.True B.False C.Not always D.None of these... The xsl:attribute do generates the elements in the time of processing. A.False B.Not always C.True D.None of these.... The Copy and _______ constructs are used for the nodes copying. A.copy-by B.copy-of C.copy-for D.copy-with.... The ____ instruction do enables the conditional processing. A.xsl:do-while B.xsl:while C.xsl:ifelse....


XSL stands for: A.EXtendable Stylesheet Language B.EXtensible Stylesheet Language C.EXtensible Style Language D.EXtendable Style Language The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) started to develop XSL because there was a need for: A.ASP-based Stylesheet Language B.XSl-based Stylesheet Language C.HTML-based Stylesheet Language D.XML-based Stylesheet Language XSL ________ how the XML document should be displayed! A.describes B.shows C.displays D.prints XSL consists of three parts. which are ? A.XSLT,Xpath,HTML B.XSLT,Xpath,ASP C.XSLT,Xpath,XSL-FO.....


What is a correct way of referring to a stylesheet called "mystyle.xsl" ? A. <link type="text/xsl" href="mystyle.xsl" /> B. <?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="mystyle.xsl"?> C. <stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="mystyle.xsl" /> D. All of the above... For the XML parser to ignore a certain section of your XML document, which syntax is correct? A. <CDATA> Text to be ignored </CDATA> B. <![CDATA[ Text to be ignored ]]> C. <PCDATA> Text to be ignored </PCDATA> D. <xml:CDATA[ Text to be ignored ]>.... XML is a _______ Recommendation A. Microsoft B. Sun C. W3C.....


What is XML ? A.Extensible MarkUp Language B.Extra Modern Link C.Example markup Language D.X-Markup Language..... Which Statement about xml is true? A.Elements may have multiple atrribute with the same name B.Quoting attribute is optional. C.Elements may nest but not overlap D.All of the above..... What does DTD stand for? A.Dynamic Type Definition. B.Document Type Definition. C.Do The Dance. D.Direct Type Definition....

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