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Intermediate English Language - Test 564
Choose the one word or phrase that best completes the sentence and fill in the appropriate answer above.
Ngày làm bài: Hôm nay lúc 19:21:29 (Server time)
Số câu hỏi: 10.   Tổng điểm: 10
Yêu cầu hoàn thành: 60 phút.
Thời gian còn lại: 
Cỡ chữ câu hỏi:  Cỡ chữ đáp án:

Heidi ......... an old friend while she was shopping last week.
  A - 
ran over
  B - 
ran down
  C - 
ran into
The little corner store often ......... bread near the end of the week.
  A - 
runs out over
  B - 
runs out of
  C - 
runs down on
The night before the play, the crew ......... the stage.
  A - 
set up
  B - 
set down
  C - 
set in
The assembly line problem was a minor......... for the company last week.
  A - 
  B - 
  C - 
The girl with the purple hair wants to......... from the group.
  A - 
stand out
  B - 
stand in
  C - 
stand over
Bob's father taught him to be firm and to......... for what he believes.
  A - 
stand down
  B - 
stand up
  C - 
stand in
People are getting tired of Seth because he always ......... late.
  A - 
  B - 
shows up
  C - 
shows over
The 'T' in the acronym ......... 'Time'.
  A - 
stands about
  B - 
stands over
  C - 
stands for
Kelly......... her mother. They have many of the same interests.
  A - 
takes after
  B - 
takes over
  C - 
takes on
Leslie decided to......... early from the party.
  A - 
take in
  B - 
take off
  C - 
take on
[Người đăng: Đặng Vân Oanh - ST]
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