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137 bài trong 14 trang (10 bài/trang) và bạn đang ở trang 12.

Nails are designed to protect the: a. Tips of the fingers b. Medial phalanxes c. Proximal phalanxes d. Metacarpal.... What are the classifications of nail shapes: a. Square, oval b. Round, pointed c. All of the above d. None of the above..... Which one of the followings causes the nail matrix become infected and inflamed? a. Excessive use of strong solutions b. Usually follow an illness.....


Every salon should: a. Keep door close all time b. Be well ventilated c. Have carpet on floor d. None of the above..... The matrix contain all the following except one: a. Nerves b. Lymph c. Blood d. Melanin..... Nails should be filed according to: a. Manicurist’s idea b. Shape of the fingertips......


Nails grow faster on children and in: a. Winter b. Summer c. Fall d. Spring..... Toenails are filed: a. Corner to center b. Center to corner c. Straight across d. Back and forth..... The body of the hand consist of: a. 8 bones b. 5 bones.....


Vegetative stage of bacteria is: a. Resting stage b. Reproducing c. Both of the above d. None of the above..... Excessive heat causes nail product to dry: a. Too slow b. Too thick c. Too thin d. Too fast..... Syphillis is disease caused by: a. Bacilli b. Cocci.....


If the nail product is setting up too fast: a. Add more liquid monomer b. Add more polymer c. Add more material d. Add acetone..... Cosmetologist and manicurist should renew license: a. Every two years b. Every three years c. Every five years d. January 31 of every year..... In artificial nails, fungus will start if: a. Air in-take b. Acrylic too thick......


Another name for onychomycosis is: a. Athlete foot b. Tinea c. Tinea unguium d. Onycholysis....... Ulnar vein supplies the: a. Pinkie b. Index c. Thumb d. All fingers..... The tubes that carry blood from heart to the body are: a. Arteries b. Veins c. Both a and b.....


The study of the skin called dermatology and the study of the nerves called: a. Osteology b. Neurology c. Myology d. Angiology..... To sanitize a customer's nails before applying acrylic nails because it will: a. Help to prevent hangnails b. Soften the nail properly for acrylics c. Prevent fungus from forming d. Help to adhere acrylic to natural nail..... For clients with ridge and brittle nails or dry cuticles, recommend a/an: a. Hot oil manicure b. Trim dead cuticles.....


Which one of the following qualifications is not necessary to be a successful manicurist: a. Ability to identify nail disorders b. Ability to treat common nail diseases c. Thorough knowledge of hand and arm d. Understanding structures of the hand and arm..... In case of a small cut, one of the following may be used: a. Styptic pencil b. 3% hydrogen peroxide c. Lump alum d. Pumice powder..... Over-exertion and lack of rest tend to drain the body of its: a. Vitality b. Nervous system......


Hygiene is: a. Personal cleanliness b. A science dealing with healthful living c. Physiology and anatomy d. A community practice.... Artificial nails help to: a. Conceal broken nails b. Cover up an inflammation c. Make nails grow faster d. Prevent nail discoloration...... Nail grows by constant multiplication of nail cells in the: a. Eponychium b. Cortex c. Matrix d. Cuticle....


Which one of these daily requirements for manicurist’s good grooming is not required: a. Daily bath and use body deodorant b. Clean teeth and sweet breath c. Comfortable white shoe d. Fresh, clean uniform.... Nerves and blood vessels are found in the: a. Nail plate b. Lunula c. Nail matrix d. Cuticle..... The skin which the nail body rest known as the: a. Matrix b. Nail-bed.....

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