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137 bài trong 14 trang (10 bài/trang) và bạn đang ở trang 5.

Easy to wound a client by filing too deeply or when: a. Removing polish b. Massaging toes c. Nipping cuticles d. Applying tips.... Two types of bacteria which propel themselves are bacilli and: a. Diplococci b. Staphylococci c. Cocci d. Spirilla.... The transfer of infected fluids between technician and client is accomplished through: a. Drinking glasses b. Open wounds.....


If you have problem or question about your jog, you should discuss it with: a. Your butcher b. Best friend c. Your employer d. Your mother...... When you are around nail chemical, it is dangerous to: a. Eat b. Chew gum c. Talk loudly d. Smoke...... Mrs. Smith is always hard to please; today, she’s especially difficult. In dealing with her, you should: a. Act professionally b. Ask her to leave c. Yell......


When you and your coworkers practice professional ethics, your salon will become: a. Well-know b. Successful c. More profitable d. Busier...... For tips on keeping hands beautiful between manicures, clients will ask the advice of: a. The nail technician b. A coworker c. A neighbor d. A doctor...... Some clients love to share with you stories about your coworkers, your employer, or others in your community. When these clients start to gossip, you should: a. Join in b. Close your eyes c. Leave station......


You must learn the differences between salon and drugstore products in order to convince clients: a. To purchase higher priced products b. To get the best deal on products c. That professional products are best for nail health and beauty d. That drugstore products lack quality..... To get along with coworkers, you should: a. Respect their opinions b. Use deodorant c. Buy their lunch d. Point out mistakes...... Your employer notices a technique you use that was developed and taught to you by a coworker. In this salutation, you should tell your employer: a. It’s your technique b. Coworker developed technique......


Washing hands and scrubbing the nail plate removes: a. Bacteria and fungal spores b. Surface oils c. Contaminants d. a, b & c..... Substances that improve adhesion are: a. Primers b. Solutes c. Enhancements d. Corrosives..... A chemical that cause two surfaces to stick together is a/an: a. Contaminant b. Adhesive.....


UV bulbs used to cure enhancements should be cleaned daily and changed at least: a. Twice a month b. Every month c. Every three months d. Twice a year..... You must always leave a margin between the skin and the product of: a. 1/16" b. 1/8" c. 3/16" d. 3/8"..... Sensitive clients generally show allergic symptoms after repeated exposure for: a. One to two months b. Four to six months.....


Prolonged or repeated contact with solvents will leave the skin: a. Burned b. Oily c. Shiny d. Dry and damaged..... A billion monomers can join in less than: a. A second b. Five minutes c. Thirty minutes d. One hour..... When an initiator touches a monomer it: a. Destroys it b. Energizes it c. Tranquilizes it.....


For a good sitting posture, keep the feet and: a. Knees close together b. Chin out c. Chest relaxed d. Arms close together..... One of the major elements required for good health is: a. Freedom from canities b. Styptic form c. A well balanced diet d. Personal disinfection..... In manicuring, softening the cuticle with cuticle oil is good treatment for: a. White spot on nail b. Hangnails.....


Courtesy is the key to: a. Success b. Failure c. Good looks d. Outsmarting other..... Good topic for salon conversation should be: a. Debatable b. Political c. Religious d. Non-controversial..... A very important attribute of a pleasing personality is a good: a. List of stories b. Financial standing.....


Most pathogenic bacteria are especially: a. On a clean body b. On sterile implement c. In dirty place d. On clean towels..... The scientific study of micro-organism is known as: a. Biology b. Pathology c. Bacteriology d. Genealogy.... The only true ,living part of the nail is the: a. Free edge b. Lunula.....

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