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181 bài trong 19 trang (10 bài/trang) và bạn đang ở trang 13.

Katherin's salon, and Patrick's salon all use the same disinfection method. The most common method that salons use is __disinfection. a. Physical b. Steam or moist heat c. Chemical d. Autoclave..... Katherine hears, smells, tastes, touches, and sees well. Her five senses are under the control of her ____ nervous system. a. Peripheral b. Neurological c. Central d. Automatic...... Annie is preparing her clientiis natural nails for acrylics. Which of the following must Annie does to the natural nails before applying the acrylic? a. Soften it with skin cream b. Buff it to remove the shine.....


The care of the feet, legs, and toenails is called: a. Pedicure b. Hygiene of feet and legs c. Foot manicuring d. Paronychia.... Wary ridge on a fingernail may be improved by rubbing the nail with: a. Pumice powder b. Cream c. Oil d. Polish remover.... Repeated or prolonged contact with solvents will leave the skin: a. Oily b. Moisture.....


Cosmetology textbooks recommend that a steel pusher be used on a moist nail: a. To prevent scratching of the nail plate b. To increase circulation c. So the mantle will not be disturbed d. So the lunula can be seen..... A manlcurlstos license expired 6 months ago, to renew the license, the manicurist must now: a. Retake both the written and practical parts of the examination b. Retake the written part of the examination: c. Pay the delinquency fee in addition to renewal fee d. Pay just the renewal fee..... Manicure implements should be wasted and disinfected: a. Once a day b. After each use.....


The bureau of barbering and Cosmetology rules require clean towels in a salon to be stored: a. In the shampoo area b. In the reception area c. In a close cabinet d. At each work station..... The appearance of a healthy nail shows a: a. Purple color b. Slight pink color c. Yellowish color d. Bluish color..... Split nails may be cause by: a. Soakingtoolong b. Use of nail whitener.....


Pterygii1m may be helped by hot oil manicure and use the cuticle nippers carefully to remove the growth because: a. Cause by nail biting b. Softening of the nail c. An obstinate growth of cuticle at the base d. An ingrown nail..... Which one of the following would not be a proper method of using a metal pusher: a. Pointed end used to loosen cuticle b. Blade end follows the curve of the cuticle c. Pusher is used from corner to base of nail d. Pusher is used with gentle pressure.....


The man's manicure procedure is always begun by working on the: a. Right hand b. Unfavored hand c. favored hand d. Left hand.... The HIV virus, which causes AIDS, may lay dormant in an infected personas system for up to: a. 20 years b. 15 years c. 50 years d. 3 years...... Spraying nail antiseptic on nails, removes: a. Cotton bits b. Nail polish......


Performing a service on an infected nail could cause your client a great deal of: a. Healing b. Pain c. Regrowth d. Stimulating..... Albinism is the congenital absence ofthis substance from the body: a. Albumin b. Fungus c. Melanin d. Vitamin C..... Bacteria multiply at amazing speeds in only half a day, a single bacteria cell can produce this many more: a. 6,000 b. 16 million.....


Paper wraps will dissolve in aceton and: a. Water b. Dishwashing liquid c. Polish applications d. Polish remover.... Fingernails grow faster than: a. Hair b. Bones c. Toenails d. Hair..... Healthy nails result from: a. A general state of health b. Regular trimming c. Exercise.....


The joints In the ankle and wrist are known as: a. Ball joints b. CartOage c. Gliding joints d. Carpus.... Silk, linen, fiberglass, and paper arc the form a protective coating for damaged and fragile nails, called: a. Stencils b. Nail wraps c. Gem applications d. Gel applications..... Light-cured gel nails are hardened using an ultraviolet light or alan: a. Non-acetone remover b. Oily polish remover.....


Onychauxis is the technical term for a nail's: a. Overgrowth b. Infection c. Bruise d. Removal..... Striping tape is used to create lines when doing: a. Football field markings b. Nail art c. Toenail clipping d. French manicure..... The free edge of sculptured nails should be shaped with a/an: a. Emery board b. Cuticle nipper.....

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The Creative Touch
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Manicurist Chemical Test - 03
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