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181 bài trong 19 trang (10 bài/trang) và bạn đang ở trang 6.

The loose, pliable, overlapping skin around the nail is called the: a. Mantle b. Matrix c. Cuticle d. Nail grooves..... The half moon at the base of the nails is called the: a. Mantle b. Matrix c. Root d. Lunula..... Nail cells are produced in the nail: a. Root b. Matrix c. Bed d. Fold.....


Hangnails are caused by: a. Dry cuticles b. Nail biting c. Polish d. Buffing..... Nail which are thin while and curved over the free edge are: a. Healthy b. Eggshell c. Furrowed d. Hangnails...... The condition in which a clot of blood forms under the nail plate due to injury to the nail bed is called: a. Discoloration b. Inflammation c. Infection d. Bruised nails......


It is not a good idea to save an emery board in a plastic bag for each client, due to the growth of: a. Papules b. Fungus c. Bacteria d. Parasites..... Good choice for filing soft or fliable nails is a/an: a. Metal nails file b. Chamois buffer c. Fingernail clippers d. Emery board.... To shape the free edge of hard or sculptured nails, is use a/an: a. Metal nail file b. Emery board.....


Water-soaked natural nails under the nail tip will grow: a. With ridges b. Slowly c. Quickly d. Mold and fungus..... Tip wells are full or: a. Quarter b. Half c. Three quarters d. Three-eighths..... The point of contact for the artificial nail tip and the natural nail plate is called the: a. Extention b. Glue c. Well d. Bed.....


Nail wraps are used on natural nail or artificial tips to: a. Provide base for polish b. Hide poor technical work c. Repair or strenghthen d. Provide base for nail art..... Paper wraps are used to give a nail: a. Length b. Regrowth area c. Strenghth d. Base for nail art..... In a four week fabric wrap maintaince visit, the nail growth is: a. Covered with fabric b. Polished.....


When applying acrylic nail over bitten natural nail, before applying form you must create: a. Long free edge b. New color powder c. Bite preventative d. Part of nail plate..... Acrylic should be applied by using this brush technique: a. Dad and press b. Paint stroke c. "x"-pattern d. Dot, then paint..... Natural nails are porous and retain water, making them a breeding ground for: a. Splitting b. Chipping.....


Equipment is the term for items used in nail technology that are: a. Expensive b. Made of plastic c. Disposable d. Permanent.... An important part of the consultation is to determine whether or not the home maintenance for a service fits the client’s: a. Looks b. Lifestyle c. Budget d. Ability...... The technical name for athlete’s foot is: a. Vitiligo b. Chloasma c. Tinea pedis d. Sarcoma......


A properly ventilated salon is one that vents fumes and vapors to the: a. Reception area b. Bathroom c. Outside d. Haircolor area..... The body is protected from harmful infection and bacteria through the white cells found in: a. Urine b. Blood c. Stress d. White bread..... A lamp bulb with high wattage will affect product performance when giving this service: a. Sculptured nails b. Gel nails....


Problems or questions about your job should be discussed with: a. Your butcher b. Best friend c. Your employer d. Your mother..... Nonpathogenic bacteria belong to the group of bacteria known as: a. Spirilla b. Viruses c. Cocci d. Saprophytes...... Foil leaf is available in gold, silver and: a. Bronze b. Copper......


An MSDS can be obtained from your salon’s: a. Distributor b. Main office c. Cleaning person d. Fire department..... Store acrylic products: a. On well-lit shelves b. Near the manicure lamp c. In covered containers d. Near a heating unit...... In acrylic technique, when the sable brush is dipped into liquid, them powder, this forms: a. Glue b. Chalky white color.....

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