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181 bài trong 19 trang (10 bài/trang) và bạn đang ở trang 9.

It is important to sanitized a client's nails before applying acrylic nails because the antiseptic will a. Adher or attach the acrylic to the natural nail b. Soften the nail properly for acrylics c. Help prevent fungus from forming d. Dry the acrylic quickly.... The deep fold of skin is which Mary's nail root is lodged is called the a. Nail fold or mantle b. Nail groove c. Eponychium d. Lunula.....


Antiseptic is used to destroy or limit the growth of what? a. The nail b. Only bacteria that could cause disease c. The proteins in the nail d. The hair..... What should you do with a client who has an infectious disease? a. Perform all services for them anyway b. Give them a manicure but not a pedicure c. They shouldn't receive any services in the salon d. Try to cure the disease.... The most important reason for keeping all containers capped is to? a. Prevent spilling and vapor loss b. Have them look good.....


Which part of the nail controls how fast the nail grows? a. The nail bed b. The hypernichium c. The matrix d. The free edge..... Which of the following statements is correct? a. Health problems in the body can show up in the nails b. Clients with fungus can get a full set c. Disinfectant can be used on the skin d. Nail technician should never clean they implements.... What are nails composed of? a. Bone b. Cartilage.....


What is the main reason the fingers are placed in a soak bath during a manicure? a. To clean them up b. To relax the client c. To soften the cuticles d. To make the manicure last longer..... Which of these steps is the best if nail polish thickens slightly? a. Throw the polish away b. Put antiseptic in the polish to make it less thick c. Thin the polish by adding polish solvent and shaking the polish well d. Add water to the polish..... A nail technician should obtain a physician's permission before massaging a client with which of these conditions? a. High blood pressure b. A cold.....


If the client has athlete's foot, the nail technician should? a. Put oil over the feet b. Not cut the cuticle c. Not give the client a pedicure d. Use acetone to cure the condition..... Acrylic removal is done? a. By soaking the hands in water b. After an acetone soak of the nail c. After an oil soak of the nail d. By soaking the nails in Mayo..... Which of these processes is used to make an acrylic nail? a. Mitosis b. Acrylic nail synthesis.....


What do you spend more time on when using odder-less acrylic? a. Applying the tips b. Shaping c. Fill-ins d. Nail preparation.... The drawers of the manicuring table should be used to store what? a. Sanitized implements and clean supplies b. Disposable supplies c. Open bottles with chemicals d. Nothing.... What should you do in order lo remove a hand callus? a. Use your nippers b. Use a foot file to remove the callus....


Which part of the nail grows the fastest? a. Nail matrix b. The free edge c. Nail root d. Nail bed..... The blood supplied to the nails comes from? a. The free edge b. The nail bed and matrix c. The skin around the nail d. Nail root.... The protein of the nails is the same as? a. Liver b. Eyes and Mouth....


When applying primer, if the primer contacts the client's skin, what will happen to them? a. The skin will get irritated b. The primer will glue to the skin c. The skin will change color d. Nothing will happen..... Why do you need 2 sets of implements when doing manicure? a. For fun b. On a busy day, one can be sanitized while you use the other one c. So, we can use both of them at the same time d. We don't need them.....


When doing a manicure, what hand should we start with? a. The right hand b. The favored hand, because it requires less work c. The unflavored hand, because the favored hand needs to be soaked longer d. The left hand.... Why shouldn't you file the client's nails after they've been soaked in water? a. They can get inflamed b. You can cause the to get fungus c. They can easily break (They are fragile) d. They can acquire an infection....... If bleeding occurs during, manicure what should you do? a. Use Powdered Alum b. Use a Disinfectant....


A 1/8 of a fabric that can be used to strengthen a weak point on the nail is called? a. A Stress Strip b. A Silk wrap c. A Full Set d. A Manicure.... Can we apply acrylic on wet nails? a. Yes, if we apply the primmer twice b. No, it s a perfect breeder environment for mold and fungus c. Yes, if we use special glue d. Yes, if we apply primer and antiseptic..... How are paper wraps different? a. Different glue is used to apply them b. You don't use glue to apply them.....

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Manicurist Test - 03
Anatomy and Physiology - 02
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