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Advanced Reading - Test 14
Read the article below and then choose the best answer to complete each sentence.

A few years ago a shortage of natural gas drove prices sky high. Like-wise, gasoline prices rose when demands exceeded supplies. A glut in the oil market drove prices back down. The law of supply and demand functioned according to texbook description in the case of oil, but the situation is otherwise in the current natural gas market. Natural gas consumers are finding their heating bills more of a burden than last year, in spite of a dramatic increase in suppliers. There is so much natural gas available that many suppliers are closing down their plants for lack of a market, and it is rumored that some suppliers are even burning off their surplus gas.
Ngày làm bài: Hôm nay lúc 19:41:15 (Server time)
Số câu hỏi: 6.   Tổng điểm: 6
Yêu cầu hoàn thành: 60 phút.
Thời gian còn lại: 
Cỡ chữ câu hỏi:  Cỡ chữ đáp án:

You can infer that the law of supply and demand means that prices
  A - 
rise if supplies are abundant
  B - 
fall if supplies are limited
  C - 
rise if supplies are limited
  D - 
stay even when supplies are abundant
The author’s purpose is to
  A - 
discuss oil prices
  B - 
discuss gas shortages
  C - 
question high gas prices
  D - 
compare gas and oil prices
You can infer that gas suppliers are burning their surplus gas in order to
  A - 
lower the prices on their product
  B - 
create a shortage to sustain high prices
  C - 
get rid of an inferior product
  D - 
create a glut in the market
Many suppliers of natural gas are
  A - 
reducing their prices
  B - 
going out of business
  C - 
running out of gas
  D - 
converting to the oil business
The cost of heating with natural gas this year
  A - 
has risen
  B - 
depends on supply and demand
  C - 
is easier to bear
  D - 
has remained the same as last year
The amount of natural gas currently available is
  A - 
more than last year’s supply
  B - 
equal to last year’s supply
  C - 
less than last year’s supply
  D - 
none of the above
[Người đăng: Đặng Vân Oanh - ST]
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