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Traffic Test - 06
Ngày làm bài: Hôm nay lúc 16:42:00 (Server time)
Số câu hỏi: 12.   Tổng điểm: 12
Yêu cầu hoàn thành: 60 phút.
Thời gian còn lại: 
Cỡ chữ câu hỏi:  Cỡ chữ đáp án:

A driver must give the right or left turn signal when changing lanes.
  A - 
  B - 
It is permissible to make a right turn against a red signal light after stopping and yielding to other vehicles and pedestrians.
  A - 
  B - 
A driver may pass anther vehicle by driving on the shoulder of the road.
  A - 
  B - 
What is the penalty for being convicted of illegally passing a stopped school bus?
  A - 
Three-month suspension of driving privileges and $150 fine.
  B - 
60-day suspension of driving privileges.
  C - 
$30 fine and 14-day suspension of driving privileges.
When an authorized vehicle using its sirens and flashing lights approaches a vehicle, the driver should pull to the right-hand edge of the roadway and stop, if necessary.
  A - 
  B - 
When on a two-lane roadway, drivers must stop their vehicles when approaching a stopped school bus with its red warning light flashing and its stop signal arm extended.
  A - 
  B - 
How should a driver proceed if within an intersection waiting to make a left turn and the traffic signal light turns red?
  A - 
Wait in the intersection until the light turns green
  B - 
Yield to oncoming traffic and finish the turn.
  C - 
Make sure it is clear, then back up from the intersection.
After making a proper stop and yielding to traffic or pedestrians within the intersection, it is permissible for drivers on a one-way street to turn left at a red light onto anther one-way street that moves traffic to the left.
  A - 
  B - 
When passing anther vehicle, a driver should wait until the car the driver just passed is visible in the rearview mirror before turning back into the right-hand lane.
  A - 
  B - 
A driver may commit one traffic law violation during the driving portion of the driver’s license exam and pass.
  A - 
  B - 
Drivers who have vision restriction noted on their driver’s license must always wear glasses or contacts when driving.
  A - 
  B - 
A licensed driver in the State of Illinois is required by law to notify the Secretary of State’s office within 10 days of a change of name or address by writing the office or visiting a Driver Services facility.
  A - 
  B - 
[Người đăng: Thành Lãm - ST]
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