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TOEIC - Test 176
TOEIC 600: Bài trắc nghiệm tìm từ đồng nghĩa. Chọn 1 trong những đáp án dưới đây có nghĩa tương đương với từ hoặc nhóm từ đã cho ở trên.
Ngày làm bài: Hôm nay lúc 20:01:08 (Server time)
Số câu hỏi: 10.   Tổng điểm: 10
Yêu cầu hoàn thành: 60 phút.
Thời gian còn lại: 
Cỡ chữ câu hỏi:  Cỡ chữ đáp án:

v. legitimate
  A - 
to support; to provide for; to finance; to support from below; to nourish; to assist; to encourage; to comfort; to endure; to withstand; to prolong; to maintain; to preserve; to experience; to undergo; to uphold; to affirm; to confirm
  B - 
to look over; to observe; to examine carefully; to study; to measure and record the characteristics of a plot of land; to map
  C - 
to oppose; to retaliate; to react; to strike back
  D - 
to make valid; to make lawful; to justify; to make permissible
v. proceed
  A - 
to eat or drink; to use up; to destroy
  B - 
to reveal; to uncover; to disclose
  C - 
to arrange in groups; to classify; to sort; to structure
  D - 
to continue; to carry on; to advance; to progress; to move forward
v. afford
  A - 
to endanger; to imperil; to put at risk; to place in danger
  B - 
to be able to pay for; to be able to do without difficulty; to supply; to provide; to give to oneself or to another
  C - 
to instruct; to provide with intellectual or spiritual understanding
  D - 
to provide additional details; to plan carefully and with great detail; to produce; to develop
v. caution
  A - 
to set priorities; to organize according to importance
  B - 
to continue
  C - 
to cause to remember
  D - 
to warn; to notify of danger
v. broker
  A - 
to decline; to deny; to turn down
  B - 
to act as a middleman; to buy and to sell property for other people
  C - 
to obtain; to acquire; to get; to buy; to purchase
  D - 
to slander; to defame
v. challenge
  A - 
to publish; to distribute; to circulate; to come forth; to put out; to emit; to result from
  B - 
to be frightened; to be concerned; to be afraid of; to have respect for
  C - 
to plead; to request; to petition for a new trial or judgment
  D - 
to dare; to invite to engage in a contest; to stimulate; to test one's ability
v. include
  A - 
to look over; to observe; to examine carefully; to study; to measure and record the characteristics of a plot of land; to map
  B - 
to comprise; to contain; to embrace
  C - 
to do; to carry out; to execute; to act; to fulfill a role in a show; to present; to arrange; to direct; to manage
  D - 
to build; to create; to design; to improve; to mature; to grow
v. image
  A - 
eject; drive out; banish
  B - 
to put; to lay; to lodge; to house; to nominate; to appoint; to charge with
  C - 
to fold and sew down the edge of a piece of cloth; to surround; to enclose; to hesitate; to falter in speaking
  D - 
to draw a likeness; to describe; to reflect; to picture in the mind
v. key
  A - 
to receive votes; to vote; to elect; to count votes; to make a survey; to trim tree branches; to prune a tree; to cut off the horns of an animal
  B - 
to extend across; to stretch from one point another; to bridge; to measure with an extended hand; to surround with the hand or hands
  C - 
to separate into parts; to part; to share; to apportion
  D - 
to lock with a key; to fit; to adapt; to adjust; to tune; to supply with an explanatory device; to type into a keyboard
v. accommodate
  A - 
to cause harm; to cause injury; to destroy partly
  B - 
to originate from; to reveal the origin of something; to obtain from a particular supplier
  C - 
to adapt oneself; to host guests; to provide lodging
  D - 
to explain; to clarify; to elucidate; to translate from one language to another (orally); to understand or explain in a particular way; to translate from one language to another (orally)
[Người đăng: Dương Quốc Đoàn - ST]
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