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English 11 - Test 71
Read the passage carefully and choose the correct answer.

The rapid growth of China and India means that a lot more oil will have to come from somewhere. World demand has grown faster in the past five years than in the second half of the 1990s. Today we consume an average of 85 million barrels daily and that figure will rise to 113 million barrels by 2030. A survey of the four countries with the biggest reported reserves – Saudi Arabia, Iran, Iraq and Kuwait – reveals major concerns. Iran became the first major oil producer to introduce oil rationing. A report on Saudi Arabia’s oil reserves showed that the figure went from 79 barrels a day in 2002 to 84.5 million in 2004. There are still 909 billion tons of coal worldwide, enough to last at least 155 years. But coal is a dirty energy resource. The natural gas fields should last 20 years longer than the world’s oil reserves and is expensive to extract and transport. Hydrogen fuel cells can provide us with an energy source but there is not enough hydrogen to go round and the few clean ways of producing it are expensive. Oil – dependent nations are turning to renewable energy source. An increase in the using of oil all over the globe will increase the chance of a disaster and the risk of dangerous substances getting into the atmosphere.
Ngày làm bài: Hôm nay lúc 05:56:46 (Server time)
Số câu hỏi: 5.   Tổng điểm: 5
Yêu cầu hoàn thành: 60 phút.
Thời gian còn lại: 
Cỡ chữ câu hỏi:  Cỡ chữ đáp án:

The text is about _____.
  A - 
the increasing number of oil used.
  B - 
harvesting oil.
  C - 
oil and disaster.
  D - 
oil in Chine and Indian.
The figure in the text shows that____.
  A - 
more and more oil are used.
  B - 
less and less oil has been used.
  C - 
China is the first major oil producer.
  D - 
Iran is the most oil consumers in the world.
Coal is ____.
  A - 
a clean energy.
  B - 
the only energy in the world.
  C - 
a polluting energy.
  D - 
never used up.
According to the writer, _____.
  A - 
We can use hydrogen fuel to replace oil.
  B - 
hydrogen fuel is clean.
  C - 
clean energy is cheap enough for us to produce.
  D - 
there is enough hydrogen fuel for every purposes in the world.
We can learn from the text that _____.
  A - 
we can’t find any cleaner energy.
  B - 
the more coal we use the more polluted the atmosphere is.
  C - 
the world demand on coal is increasing.
  D - 
China and Indian do not need coal any more.
[Người đăng: Đặng Vân Oanh - ST]
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