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252 bài trong 26 trang (10 bài/trang) và bạn đang ở trang 1.

This company hopes to attract Windows expatriots by promoting an easy way for the average desktop user to migrate to Linux. a. Exim b. Peoplesoft c. SuSE d. Websphere e. Mobitex.... This is the part of the Linux operating system that Linus Torvalds wrote. a. kernel b. centrex c. BIOS d. shell e. BeOS.... This is a graphical user interface (GUI) and set of computer desktop applications for Linux users. a. Gnutella b. Galileo c. GIMP d. GNOME e. GNU....


From a command prompt, what does the command "ls" do? a) Lists the settings of the OS b) Lists the contents of the directory c) List command to list contents of files d) Finnish words, means to direct a file to a port e) None of the Above Which command creates a file system? a) fdisk b) crfs c) mkfs d) fs What is the default administrator username? a) administrator b) admin c) superuser d) root e) head...


The previous system administrator put useless messages at login, what file do you edit to change the system message? a) /etc/motd b) /etc/str c) /etc/strtms d) /etc/.conf Users on your network cannot print to a Linux printer. You decide to restart the printer daemon, which command would achieve that? a) topq printer-name b) enable printer-name c) restart printer-name .....


What option of "ls" gives the listing according to the modified time t a l m.... In which folder of linux filesystem does ".." and "." point to the same folder /root / /bin None of the above..... The "-p" option of mkdir Creates a folder in the parent folder Creates parent as well as it subfolders at the same time Modifies the path of exiting folder Removes a folder..... Which option in "cat" adds line numbers to everyline in the output n l......


In Apache, authentication, authorization and access Control can be achieved by a. using iptables b. .htaccess and .htpasswd to protect data in that directory c. .access and .pwd to protect data in that directory d. using firewall Iptables can be used to protect a. hardware devices b. Operating System and Network Services c. against power surge d. nothing.... What parameters can be used to view contents of an RPM package a. rpm -vl /path/to/file.rpm b. rpm -qlp /path/to/file.rpm.....


Chmod 755 file a) Everyone can read and write. Only owner can execute. b) Nobody can read and execute. Only owner can write. c) Everyone can read and execute. Only owner can write. Everyone can read and execute. The Linux kernel is mostly written in... a. Basic b. C c. Fortran d. C++ The sticky bit is set for a directory... a. so files in that directory may only be unlinked or renamed by root b. so files in that directory may only be unlinked or renamed by their owner...


Which command is used for activate a LVM? a) lvchange –ay logical volume name b) lvchange –an logical volume name c) lvchange –a logical volume name d) lvchange –av logical volume name The sticky bit is set for a directory... a) so files in that directory may only be unlinked or renamed by root b) so files in that directory may only be unlinked or renamed by their owner c) so files in that directory may only be unlinked or renamed by root or their owner d) so files in that directory are safe What is the ssh port no? a) 20 b) 21....


Which of the following services works to connect Linux to a Microsoft Windows–based network? A. NFS B. SMB C. DNS D. Windows for Workgroups..... Which of the following commands are associated with a Red Hat Linux firewall configuration utility? A. lokwall B. lokkit C. firewall-config D. firewall-lokkit.... Which command will show the process CPU and Memory Utilization? a) ps –mc b) ps –auxw c) ps -ef d) ps – fd....


Which of the following commands returns the actual number of times user mj is logged into your Linux computer? A. wc -l B. who | grep mj C. who | wc -l D. who | grep mj | wc -l..... You’re maintaining a large queue of print jobs on your network, and you need some job numbers to make sure the engineers get highest priority on the printer.Which of the following commands lists print job numbers? A. lpr -l B. lpq -l C. lprm -l D. lpd.... Which of the following commands would you use to add the /usr/sbin directory to your PATH? A. $PATH=$PATH:/usr/sbin B. $PATH=PATH:/usr/sbin C. PATH=$PATH:/sbin D. PATH=$PATH:/usr/s....


Which file defines all users on your system? a./etc/passwd b./etc/users c./etc/shadow Which is the command to ON the service on run level 2 &4 A. chkconfig --list 24 on B. chdconf -level 24 ON C. chkconfig *level 24 on D. chkconfig --level 24 on 1. D. chkconfig --level 24 on..... One of the administrators has accidentally deleted the /etc/passwd file......

      2    3    4    5   ...  26    Right  
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