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1428 bài trong 143 trang (10 bài/trang) và bạn đang ở trang 17.

Chọn một từ thích hợp nhất để điền vào mỗi khoảng trống trong đoạn văn sau.
Walt Disney was born on 5th December, 1901 in Chicago. His father was Irish-Canadian, and his mother was German-American. Disney (1)_____ McKinley High School in Chicago and left at the age of 16 to become an ambulance driver in the First World War. In 1919 he (2)_____ to Kansas City and worked as a commercial artist. Then he went to Hollywood to (3)_____ an animator, working on cartoon films. He was (4)_____ to Lillian Bounds - an actress. He drew the first Mickey Mouse (5)_____ in 1928. He was the first (6)_____ to use Technicolor in 1933. Over the next thirty years he (7)_____ a series of (8)_____ cartoon films, including "Bambi", "Fantasia". His series of "True Life Adventure", which were animal documents, were also very successful. He (9)_____ in California at the age of 65. His fi


Dùng các từ và cụm từ gợi ý để viết thành câu hoàn chỉnh.
Ví dụ:
Mary / learn / Vietnamese / six / months.
A. Mary has been learning Vietnamese for six months.
B. Mary has learning Vietnamese for six months.
C. Mary has being learning Vietnamese for six months.
D. Mary learning Vietnamese for six months.


Choose the one sentence that has same meaning to the root one.
Ronaldo started to play for Real Madrid three years ago.
A. Ronaldo played for Real Madrid for three years.
B. Ronaldo has playing for Real Madrid for three years.
C. Ronaldo has played for Real Madrid since three years.
D. Ronaldo has played for Real Madrid for three years.


Choose the one sentence that has same meaning to the root one.
Would you mind waiting outside the office?
A. Did you wait outside the office?
B. Did you see anyone waiting outside the office?
C. Will you wait outside the office?
D. Do you enjoy waiting outside the office?


Choose the item (A, B, C or D) that best answers the question about the passage.
Water is our life source. It makes up 70% of our bodies, and the average person usually spends 18 months of his life in the bath or shower.
But we are only now learning how to look after water. Acid rain has polluted as many as 18.000 lakes and our seas. And rivers are polluted with waste products. It is now very expensive to try to repair the damage which has been done. We have some hope for the future, though, because new sources of water have been discovered. People living in the Sahara Desert have found fish swimming in deep underground streams. Scientists also believe there is a huge lake underneath London. If we have learnt anything from our mistakes, we will try to keep these new areas of water clean.


Cho hàm số . Kết luận nào sau đây là đúng?
A. Hàm số trên luôn nghịch biến.
B. Hàm số trên luôn đồng biến.
C. Giá trị của hàm số âm khi x nhận các giá trị âm.
D. Hàm số trên nghịch biến khi x > 0 và đồng biến khi x < 0.


Tại sao Bắc Trung Bộ có thể phát triển tổng hợp trên nền kinh tế nông lâm ngư nghiệp? Vì
a. Miền núi, gò, đồi phía tây có thể phát triển nghề rừng, chăn nuôi gia súc lớn.
b. Đồng bằng Thanh - Nghệ - Tĩnh là trọng điểm trồng cây lương thực.
c. Vùng đầm phá ven biển nuôi trồng thủy sản, vịnh Bắc là cơ sở đánh bắt thủy sản biển.
d. Tất cả đều đúng.


Bình quân đất canh tác trên đầu người của Đồng bằng sông Hồng là 0,05ha/người chứng tỏ:
a. Đồng bằng sông Hồng có nền thâm canh lúa nước.
b. Đất phù sa màu mỡ, nhất là đất ngoài đê.
c. Đồng bằng sông Hồng đất chật người đông.
d. Câu a và b đúng.


Choose the best answer for each of the following sentence.
The cat was _______ to wait for the mouse to come out of its hole.
a. patient enough
b. so patient
c. enough patient
d. too patient


Choose the best answer for each of the following sentence.
If she hadn’t overslept, she______late for the interview.
a. wouldn’t be
b. wouldn’t have been
c. hadn’t been
d. would have been

. Xếp theo:       Đến trang:  Left    1    13    14    15    16     18    19    20    21   ...  143    Right  
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